Our article “Enchanting the post-COVID city” in Roca Gallery 2020 Highlights
Daily explores our collective future alongside other architects, designers and urban planners in a new e-book by Roca Gallery.
Roca Gallery is an online platform that focuses on architecture, innovation, design and sustainability. Their new e-book 2020 Highlights compiles articles about the future of the world, especially through the lens of today’s pandemic, including a contribution by our team in the chapter Enjoying Everyday Life. Titled “Enchanting the post-COVID city”, our article explores how new constraints can mean new opportunities for joy in public spaces. Other sections include Plastic (In)dependence, Renewable Energies, Rebuilding Food Systems and more relevant topics for our collective future.
Thank you to the team at Roca Gallery for inviting us!
2020 Highlights is available for free online when you subscribe to the Roca Gallery newsletter.

Photo Victorine Yok-Thot Sentilhes