littleBits Store

New York, US

littleBits is New York-based startup selling easy-to-use electronic pieces for kids and adults alike to empower everyone to create virtually anything. 

According to littlebits, learning with your hands is easier than with your head. We have thus imagined a new style of workshop-boutique where anybody can invent what they buy.


Invent What You Buy

The littleBits store pioneers a new way of shopping: “Inventions To Stay” and “Inventions To Go”. Anybody can easily build something by assembling pieces, even without electronic knowledge. Everybody can then leave their invention behind or buy it.

Part Shop…

Here we find a selection of littleBits’s main interactive objects interpreted by Daily’s team. They are there to inspire and to allow visitors to handle inventions built with the brand’s parts. Among them, one can discover a drawing machine, a book on wheels, and even a robot to remotely feed your pet!

… Part Lab

Workbenches filled with hardware and instructions on how to build objects are available for visitors to try. Daily collaborate with graphic designers Studio Pilote to rethink the way littlebits presents its projects and created a new language for their instructions: when creating their own inventions, users are free to follow them or to use other available parts in the shop section of the store.

Narrative Workbenches

Daily collaborated with SSSVLL to create a playful and accessible collection of modular furniture inspired by items usually found in fablabs and workshops — wooden workbenches, pegboards, etc. These creative spaces were designed for kids and adults alike and can be reconfigured to fit the needs of the store.

The Makey Makey Wall © Photo by Raymond Adams

Moods and Seasons

The store design was very adaptable: every new invention or accessory became a new story to tell. During its first six months, the space and its content was transformed many times to celebrate various events.

From Consumer to Inventor

This adventure in the retail world was unprecedented for Daily. We wanted to create a store where the goal was not purely consumerist, but also creative. From this desire was born the concept of a space where visitors of all ages can sit down for free, spend time together, and invent. We had the privilege to talk about this experience during the PSFK 2015 Future of Retail conference. 

Awards and Recognitions

  • Best of Retail, Fast Company Innovation by Design Award 2016


    • A Project by Daily tous les jours
  • Creative Direction
    • Mouna Andraos
    • Melissa Mongiat
  • Interactive Design
    • Anne Ouellette
    • Pierre Thirion
    • Michael Baker
    • Eva Schindling
  • Producer
    • Nicolas Fonseca
  • Graphic Design
    • Studio Pilote
  • Interior Design
    • SSSVLL
  • Content Direction
    • Émilie Grenier
  • Sound Design
    • David Drury
  • Copywriting
    • Maya Assouad
  • Production Coordination
    • Victorine Yok
  • Manufacturing
    • Atelier La Boutique
    • A&R Brochu
    • Jack World
    • Caroline Bergeron
    • Robocut Studio
    • Sophie Julien
    • Jennifer Pocobene
  • Installation team
    • Malcolm Remple, Vaneik Echeverria, Eric Kerckel, Taras Los, Matt Mikas, Aaron Suggs, Noah Sparkes, Marie Ucci, Jaime Villaneda, Jim Ferrazoli, Justin Downs and Joe Zago
  • Installation Supervision
    • Art Domantay
  • Filming
    • Geoffrey Boulangé
    • Philippe Tremblay-Berberi
  • Editing
    • Geoffrey Boulangé
  • Thank you
    • littleBits team and in particular Scott Roslyn and Ayah Bdeir, Antoine Clayette, Anna Gazel, Mélanie d’Astous, Évelyne Drouin, MJ Caselden, Meg Stemmler, Sonali Sridhar, Fady Atallah, Charlie Gros, Sam Barker and all of our loyal beta-testers, young and old!

Our newsletter is sent two or three times a year. Or maybe four? One can never know.