Team Penguins
Igloofest, Montréal, CA

When it comes to keeping warm in the depths of winter, this species has found an inspiring solution. Team Penguin pays tribute to the ingenuity of penguins and their choreography to help keep each other warm. In a rotating huddle, humans are invited to explore various paths to create collective heat … just like penguins.
Keeping Warm, Like Penguins
To stay warm, penguins group together and move in a tight circular motion―a huddle. To help those located at the outskirts of the circle benefit from the heat, a perpetual rotation takes place inside the group, allowing each member to have a turn in the center. With its field of turnstiles, Team Penguin offers humans the chance to reproduce this infinite dance and brave the cold in a new way, together.
Welcome to Igloofest
This Daily tous les jours’ project was commissioned by IGLOOFEST, an event that takes place every winter in the Old Port of Montreal.

- Team Pingouins was created for the Nordik Village, as part of Montréal’s 375th winter celebrations.
- A Project by Daily tous les jours
- Creative Direction
- Mouna Andraos
- Melissa Mongiat
- Production
- Irène Chaudouet
- Design
- Michael Baker
- Anne Ouellette
- David Robert
- Rebecca Taylor
- Pierre Thirion
- Eva Schindling
- Fabrication
- Renard Rioux
- A&R Brochu Construction
- Sewing
- Valérie Gagnon-Hamel
- Thank you
- Special thanks to Louis Gazier and Mélanie Rohat-Méheust