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Strangers Need Strange Moments Together:
Designing Interaction for Public Spaces
Éditeur: Set Margins’ Publications
Autrices: Mouna Andraos, Melissa Mongiat
Autrice collaboratrice: Eva Schindling
Artistes contributeurs: Michael Baker, Anne Ouellette, Rebecca Taylor, Pierre Thirion
Soutien éditorial: No Media Co. (Chris Frey et Patrick Pittman)
Conception graphique: Studio Feed
Conseiller: Freek Lomme
This book frequently uses the word ‘we’. We, as in the general public, engaged citizens, humans of planet Earth… And we, Mouna Andraos and Melissa Mongiat, together with our team at Daily tous les jours, as we seek new models for living together. Welcome to our journal.
We have been creating interactive art and narrative experiences in public spaces around the world for fifteen years. Using music, dance, art, and other mediums to emphasize the joyful, whimsical, and unexpected, we create moments of connection and care between strangers.
Through this book, we share our experience in building an emergent practice combining technology, storytelling, performance, and design, while asking fundamental questions to create meaningful work in a world in crisis. Meet us outside the urban masterplan, where we experiment with infrastructure for the human spirit.